Celebrating You Are Made of Magic
My first book, You Are Made of Magic is out and available in the great big world and I am o v e r j o y e d to finally be able to share it with you all! This past weekend I was able to celebrate alongside a sacred group of pals and the best partner a gal could ask for at the cutest coffee shop owned by one of my nearest and dearest.
It was such a sweet time filled with lots of hugs and lovins, yummy drinks, and this absolutely beautiful vegan cake made by @sweet.treats.by.andi which was truly the star of the night. I'm beyond words grateful to the sweet souls who came out to celebrate with me, and to all of you who have celebrated its release from afar. Sharing this book and all that it represents with you is such a joy.
If it resonates with you and you'd like to get your own copy, You Are Made of Magic is available online and in-stores now! I hope that you feel the power in its pages, and I cannot wait to see what magic you create.
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